Monday, July 22, 2019

2019 Week 30 - The Return

I'm back!

Yeah, so I took a bit of a hiatus due to some personal stuff popping up and all that silly adulting crap getting in the way of my gamer-ness. Stupid adult responsibilities!

Anyway, this week I'm going to be handling all the daily grind things but I'd like to also get into some trouble I don't normally get into like Island Expeditions. I wish to collect all the things and I cannot collect all the things if I don't DO all the things am I right?

Also, Wednesday night is Minecraft night for our little crew this week since our dear Buddhadasa is out and unavailable so there will be plenty of block-ery going on. I can't wait!

Talk to ya later blog-o-sphere.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Wednesday Evening World Quests

I got to play around a bit yesterday in the world doing some World Quests with the Buddhadasa.

It's such a blast being able to fly now in the BFA content. You just clear through things without a lot of time lost and it's great when you just want to rock things out. We managed to clear a bunch of WQs for Emissaries and targetted the ones that offered loot so that we could get his Demon Hunter geared up to to Darkshore.

Oh! We did Darkshore and I finally managed to become that epic, high-DPS robot who's name I can't pretend to remember right now because I was busy topping the DPS charts at the time, but that thing was FUN. Plus there's always an entertainment involved in being a healer topping a DPS chart I mean come on, who doesn't love that?

Moushou's healing gear just broke iLvL 401 which isn't bad considering how little I've played in the last couple of weeks. Keeping up with the world-first race has given me the serious raid bug and you know what that means! New server = gotta find a new guild to raid with. It's my favorite thing. (No it isn't.)

Anyway, see you next time!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Pandas Two

Hello! Moushou here.

Discussing further with my buddy and it seems likely that I may (at least in part) be joined by my bro Buddhadasa on my channel and let me tell you something about Moushou and Buddhadasa, things get crazy funny. Like it's ridiculous. Prepare to witness a pair of Pandas and for the first time, your first reaction isn't going to be 'awwww how cute!'

Anyway moving on. I don't know where this journey is going to take me but I feel it's time for me to do what I enjoy and if I can make others happy at the same time I call that a win. Mixing gaming with a comedic outlet just seems like too much fun to pass up.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

4am Productivity

In perhaps a moment of madness I've decided that rather than waking up at 5am to go to the gym, I'm going to start waking up at 4am so I can get some stuff done before going to the gym. I'm not sure what this will do to my bedtime but that's what it is. It's time to get stuff done!

I've got my Minecraft Realm up and running and plenty of things to do in World of Warcraft, not to mention a plethora of things to get done in the rest of my life to include other video games.


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Hateful YouTubers - What's the deal?

So I've been playing World of Warcraft since the year it launched and while I can't be 100% on board with every decision they've made, it's THEIR game and they can build it however they like.

What I don't understand is the ridiculous sense of entitlement by a minority of the player-base. A very LOUD minority, some of which are unfortunately YouTubers with a lot of people watching them bitch about a game that they still play despite all the crying.

If you don't like Blizzard Activision selling stuff in an in-game store, piss off!

The whole of World of Warcraft would be better off without you and that's a guarantee.

Seriously, selling a mount is the 'cancer of the game'? Really? Grow up and go back to playing some other game that 100% met your needs. Oh wait, that probably was never a thing that's why you came to WoW and that's why you STAY!

Spreading vitriol just for YouTube likes and views is pathetic and that kind of behavior is the only real 'cancer' of online gaming, and that's a fact.

Be productive, be constructive, or shut up and get over yourself.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

World of Warcraft Patch 8.2 is a blast!

I'm truly excited how much fun I'm having with this patch just now. I've had a long running relationship with World of Warcraft and I have to say that each expansion/major patch they release has been a real pleasure for me. I'm a big YouTube fan and I watch a lot of other content creators and while I get their points in some cases I can never really understand the vitriol. This game is FUN and if you aren't having fun then why are you making content about something that isn't fun? Move on and leave those of us who ARE enjoying the game to enjoy the game!

Nazjatar and Mechagon are a pair of really cool areas. I'm excited to explore each new crevice and learn more about all the characters involved. Flying will be unlocked before you know it and I'll get around to finding even more cool stuff!

I even started working on BATTLE PETS aka WoW-emon so that I could get some extra rep cranked out. Thanks Wowhead for the guides btw, I'll be completing these battles later today.

Joined a guild, too. Not sure how it's going to play out it seems like a rather new-ish group so who knows if it's going to be a raid viable comp. Time will tell and in the meanwhile, I'm loving this game.